In the Wine Light is the 2021 #NCWine Digital Media Summit. This is our fourth annual summit and was previously known at the Bloggers Summit.
A Summit is Born

Attendees of the first #NCWine Bloggers Summit
The original Bloggers Summit began as a way to bring together bloggers, digital influencers, wineries, and vineyards to learn about digital media, to connect, and to network. We held that first summit at Hanover Park Vineyard on a cold and dreary Saturday in March, 2018.
Year 2 – Better than Ever

The second #NCWine Bloggers Summit at Hanover Park Vineyard
We returned to Hanover Park for a second year in March 2019. Attendance tripled. Our content level was raised. Everyone had a great time.
Big Plans for 2020
We were on track for another big year in March, 2020. We planned to hold the summit at the Shelton-Badgett NC Center for Viticulture and Enology at Surry Community College. Then COVID-19 hit. We postponed the event in hopes of still holding an in-person event, but the pandemic had different plans, so we did a condensed virtual event in July, 2020.
A Multi-week Virtual Event for 2021
For 2021, we decided to stay virtual again with hopes for an in-person event again for the 5th summit in 2022. We also decided to make a name change from the Bloggers Summit to the Digital Media Summit for a more inclusive feel. But unlike 2020, where we packed the event into a single afternoon, we’ve decided to have one session per week for several weeks on Sunday evenings from August 8 – October 3 with a two week break around Labor Day.
We have great sessions with fun speakers for 2021. Head to our event page to learn more and to buy tickets. A full session package is only $20. Individual sessions are $5 each. The kickoff session is free, but registration is required.
#Blogger #DigitalInfluencer #Media #Wine #WineConference #GotToBeNC